Bridging the Gap: Providing Post-Hoc Symbolic Explanations for Sequential Decision-Making Problems with Black Box Simulators

by   Sarath Sreedharan, et al.

As more and more complex AI systems are introduced into our day-to-day lives, it becomes important that everyday users can work and interact with such systems with relative ease. Orchestrating such interactions require the system to be capable of providing explanations and rationale for its decisions and be able to field queries about alternative decisions. A significant hurdle to allowing for such explanatory dialogue could be the mismatch between the complex representations that the systems use to reason about the task and the terms in which the user may be viewing the task. This paper introduces methods that can be leveraged to provide contrastive explanations in terms of user-specified concepts for deterministic sequential decision-making settings where the system dynamics may be best represented in terms of black box simulators. We do this by assuming that system dynamics can at least be partly captured in terms of symbolic planning models, and we provide explanations in terms of these models. We implement this method using a simulator for a popular Atari game (Montezuma's Revenge) and perform user studies to verify whether people would find explanations generated in this form useful.


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