Asynchronous Ripple Carry Adder based on Area Optimized Early Output Dual-Bit Full Adder

by   P Balasubramanian, et al.

This technical note presents the design of a new area optimized asynchronous early output dual-bit full adder (DBFA). An asynchronous ripple carry adder (RCA) is constructed based on the new asynchronous DBFAs and existing asynchronous early output single-bit full adders (SBFAs). The asynchronous DBFAs and SBFAs incorporate redundant logic and are encoded using the delay-insensitive dual-rail code (i.e. homogeneous data encoding) and follow a 4-phase return-to-zero handshaking. Compared to the previous asynchronous RCAs involving DBFAs and SBFAs, which are based on homogeneous or heterogeneous delay-insensitive data encodings and which correspond to different timing models, the early output asynchronous RCA incorporating the proposed DBFAs and/or SBFAs is found to result in reduced area for the dual-operand addition operation and feature significantly less latency than the asynchronous RCAs which consist of only SBFAs. The proposed asynchronous DBFA requires 28.6 silicon than the previously reported asynchronous DBFA. For a 32-bit asynchronous RCA, utilizing 2 stages of SBFAs in the least significant positions and 15 stages of DBFAs in the more significant positions leads to optimization in the latency. The new early output 32-bit asynchronous RCA containing DBFAs and SBFAs reports the following optimizations in design metrics over its counterparts: i) 18.8 reported 32-bit early output asynchronous RCA which also has 15 stages of DBFAs and 2 stages of SBFAs, ii) 29.4 output asynchronous RCA containing only SBFAs.


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