A Cross-Layer Solution in Scientific Workflow System for Tackling Data Movement Challenge

by   Dong Dai, et al.

Scientific applications in HPC environment are more com-plex and more data-intensive nowadays. Scientists usually rely on workflow system to manage the complexity: simply define multiple processing steps into a single script and let the work-flow systems compile it and schedule all tasks accordingly. Numerous workflow systems have been proposed and widely used, like Galaxy, Pegasus, Taverna, Kepler, Swift, AWE, etc., to name a few examples. Traditionally, scientific workflow systems work with parallel file systems, like Lustre, PVFS, Ceph, or other forms of remote shared storage systems. As such, the data (including the intermediate data generated during workflow execution) need to be transferred back and forth between compute nodes and storage systems, which introduces a significant performance bottleneck on I/O operations. Along with the enlarging perfor-mance gap between CPU and storage devices, this bottleneck is expected to be worse. Recently, we have introduced a new concept of Compute-on-Data-Path to allow tasks and data binding to be more efficient to reduce the data movement cost. To workflow systems, the key is to exploit the data locality in HPC storage hierarchy: if the datasets are stored in compute nodes, near the workflow tasks, then the task can directly access them with better performance with less network usage. Several recent studies have been done regarding building such a shared storage system, utilizing compute node resources, to serve HPC workflows with locality, such as Hercules [1] and WOSS [2] etc. In this research, we further argue that providing a compute-node side storage system is not sufficient to fully exploit data locality. A cross-layer solution combining storage system, compiler, and runtime is necessary. We take Swift/T [3], a workflow system for data-intensive applications, as a prototype platform to demonstrate such a cross-layer solution


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